
Having a wide interest in all areas of archaeology, heritage and history this blog will be feature varied posts which should interest the reader.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Swinefleet's Hidden Memorial

On the Goole First World War Research Group blog much information has been posted about the War Memorials and Shrines erected within Goole. It was quite by accident that whilst appealing for information about the Goole Street Shrines I received a telephone call to tell me that one of the shrines that I was looking for was located in Swinefleet. Unknown to most people Swinefleet's hidden memorial is located in the mortuary building in Swinefleet cemetery. As soon as I saw the memorial I realised that the Shrine was not a Goole Street shrine but an as yet unknown Swinefleet dedicated to all those who had served and killed during the Great War:

It is recorded in the Goole Times that a permanent War memorial was erected in Swinefleet during 1917 but nothing is known about the Mortuary Shrine. The Shrine is dedicated to King and Country and features a Roll of Honour of 184 men who had served, 25 of which are marked with a cross to mark their passing. Although no date is recorded in the dedication the Shrine is signed and dated by it's creator - 'By Fred Pantry April 1929' - at the bottom of the shrine. What is unusal about the shrine is that it is a rare example of a post-war shrine containing a list of all those who had served and had been killed during the war, rather that only listing those who had been killed. The location of the 1917 shrine is unknown but it could be suggested that that this later shrine was an a permanent memorial to replace the earlier shrine and carried on the practice of listing all those who had served.

Sadly the Shrine is hidden away from view and in unsuitable conditions for its future preservation. Anyone with any information about the Shrine or wishing for a transcribed copy of the memorial can comment on the blog below or contact me directly by the e-mail